Health and Safety Workers' Training for foreign students

The Health and Safety Workers' Training is divided in two parts:

  1. Health and Safety  Workers' General Training 

You can find it on Moodle:

Click on:

- "Sicurezza sul lavoro" 

- "HS Workers' General Training - 2024" - This online course deals with the topics concerning health and safety at work classified as General Training in accordance with the Legislative Decree 81/08.

The password is: Training-2021

The course is ONLINE and the duration is 4 hours. 

  1. Health and Safety Workers' Specific Training 

You can see the ENGLISH course in the program in this calendar.


(To register you must have completed the "HS Workers' General Training - 2023" at least 24 hours in advance). 

The link to participate will be sent the day before by email.

The course is ONLINE and the duration is 8 hours. At the end of the course, in the same day, all the participants have to do an online verification test. 


The certificate is sent about 30 days after the course. In the meanwhile, if you need the certificate urgently to activate an internship, you can fill this self-certification, by writing:

"Following the completion of the HS Workers' General Training (4 hours), on the …… of the course....... I took part in the HS Workers' Specific Training (8 hours - medium risk), according to art. 37 D.Lgs 81/2008, by passing the verification test"

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